Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Riddle Of Revenge

Riddle Of Revenge

Set in a future where the truth is murky at best, three different factions face full-out war in the aftermath of a massacre. Watching from above, the elite society admires the foolproof plan they have put into action...


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In the twenty-second century, we now live in a world of clean, green energy, sustainable living and good, wholesome food for all. Planet Earth has entered an era of true international peace and prosperity between all nations; war and famine are long forgotten things of the past. The rights of the person are held in the highest esteem by each person in our blessed nations, and as a result, a strong sense of acceptance, community and national pride has once again become the cement that holds us together as one.

Yeah right.

The truth is that the social divide between the wealthy and the elite and the poorer working classes only increased during the long years of global recession, the complete collapse of the euro, and the merging of the european union into one superpower. The middle classes suffered the most, and eventually the divide between the rich and the poor stretched to the point where they almost forgot we even existed. To them, when war was over and profit once again at the front of peoples minds, the bad times were over. We were excluded, cut out from society and treated like criminals and animals, because in their minds, that was who we were are. Our homes, our neighborhoods quickly became the dumping grounds of everything unsavory, or who this new 'Golden Age' simply did not want.

While those pretty, perfect people celebrated peace and love amongst themselves, war broke out in our communities for many, many years. Eventually we cut ourselves off from our brethren in other nations, settling our own domestic disputes in this so-called 'land of the free'.
Eventually things came to a halt; four 'gangs' came out on top, each ruling over their territories with an iron fist. Tensions between the four were incredibly tight for a long time, until agreements were made and treaties were drawn up. After a while, any kind of feud fizzled out between the four; it was simply understood that you watched your back in any patch that wasn't your own, and didn't do anything to aggravate anyone else.

That was until two years ago, when virtually all members of one group, the Red Mob, were wiped out in one night. The suspicion fell on the Wildcards and the Lost and Found straight away. Although they denied everything, it reopened old wounds between the Sinners and the Wildcards, and a retaliation attack was ordered. Black Mariah, the infamous leader of the Jokers, was brutally attacked, raped, had her tongue cut out by a rogue group of Angels. Soon after, several members of the Sinners were poisoned by Jokers. Frightened, the Lost and Found quickly began to distance themselves from the Wildcards. War was declared once again between the three remaining groups...

What everyone has yet to realize is that the 'elite' had ordered the massacre of the Reds, and had placed the rogue members in the Sinners to fight back. Their aim to start a gangland war, and have the rest of the 'scum' wipe themselves out has started well, and looks like it might just succeed.

The story left for us to tell is through the Angels, the Rats, the Jokers, any remaining Reds, and those who never asked to be caught up in the conflict, and what decisions and steps they will take to gain the upper hand and end the conflict once and for all.

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The Sinners, also ironically known as the Angels came from the southern, wealthier side of the city. Unlike the other gangs, they are controlled by a tight-knit family, the Roberts, many of which are in fact members of the 'elite' classes. They are dangerous because they are cool, calm, patient and highly organized. Structure ensures that there are no power struggles; their wealth secures their supplies and weaponry. These guys are not to be crossed lightly.

The Wildcards, known as Jokers, are based in the northern side of the city. Despite having enough power and influence to match that of the Sinners in the city, their power comes from sheer brute force and numbers. Members are expected to be tough, able to handle a variety of weapons and hold their own in a fist fight. The Jokers have a reputation for being disorganized, and it has been rumored that murder of your comrades is not uncommon amongst the leaders of this faction.

The Lost And Found also known as Rats are located in the east. The Lost & Found have a reputation for taking in outcasts and others who aren't wanted by other gangs, finding the talent, and taking the time to develop it to their full potential. Because of this, they are the largest group, but at the same time are not seen as much of a threat to the others. Members of the Lost and Found tend to be younger, a select few in their teenage years, earning all members the nickname of 'Rats'. However, these guys have an incredibly strong sense of camaraderie and it wouldn't be advised to pick on a younger, weaker member. An ex-Joker might just be around to hear you...

The Red Mob, commonly known as Reds, were based in the western district. Their territory has since been taken over mostly by Angels, their main allies. Once famed for wearing almost exclusively red, and being the true robin-hoods of the new America, the Red Mob was rumored to be massacred by members of the Jokers. Very few members survive to this day, even in other gangs.

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