Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Low Tech |

This is Low Tech's founding document.

This writing is not copyrighted. Anyone can copy, edit, change, add to, subtract from, translate and distribute this writing without permission. The authors of this writing will remain anonymous. This writing should be given to people for free. Nobody should have to pay money to read this writing. This writing should be available on the internet and everyone should be able to read it.

Low Tech is a non-profit organization that educates people about the effects of technology. Low Tech was created in 2012 in the United States. Low Tech organizes presentations, meetings, workshops, classes, speeches, discussions and other events.

Low Tech is a social movement. To be successful a group must have a clear message and Low Tech has a clear message. Low Tech's main message is that the creation, invention, production, distribution and use of new technology should stop and that space travel should stop. Low Tech's main goal is to stop the creation, invention, production, distribution and use of new technology and to stop space travel.

You can start a Low Tech group in your area without permission and without having to communicate with other Low Tech groups.

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A list of some Low Tech events can be found here:

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REMINDER: Do not believe anything I say without thinking about it first. You have the right to pick and choose.

Technology is any material object that was created by humans or some other life form. Buildings, houses, roads, weapons, tools, machines, devices, vehicles, equipment, clothing, jewelry, paper, books, coins, dollar bills, medication, drugs, genetically modified organisms, artificial life forms, artificial intelligence, robots, computers, the internet and computer software are technology.

Ideas, theories, concepts, thinking, thoughts, emotions, feelings, beliefs, philosophies, religions, political ideologies, belief systems, knowledge, wisdom, research, study, learning, education, science, math, logic, reason, behavior, activity, actions, events, ways of doing things, rituals, groups, organizations, movements, reforms, revolutions, communication, language, symbols, reading, writing, art, music, tattoos, fire, cooking, food, water and drinks are not technology.

Anything that was invented after the year 2000 is new technology. Anything that is invented now is new technology. Anything that is invented in the future is new technology. Things that were invented after the year 2000 like the iPad, iPhone, iPod, Nook, Amazon Kindle and PlayStation 3 are new technology. Any technology that can travel in space like a satellite, space probe, space station, space shuttle or large rocket is new technology. Anything that was invented after the year 2000 and any technology that can travel in space is new technology and should not be created, produced, distributed or used. In the past new technology was usually defined as anything that was invented during the last 100 years. For example in the year 1360 anything that was invented after the year 1260 was called new technology. During the 1940s television was new technology. During the 1970s computers and video games were new technology. During the 1990s the internet was new technology. There is nothing wrong with a 1990s style internet, 1990s computer software or computers and other electronics from the 1990s. That technology worked backed then.

The creation, invention, production, distribution and use of new technology should stop. Everything we need has already been invented. Everything that future generations might need has already been invented.

We should not assume that Low Tech's main message is unpopular. Many people oppose new technology. Many people think space travel is a waste of tax money. They just haven't found an organization like Low Tech that expresses their opposition to new technology and space travel.

Some types of technology have had a negative effect on people. Many people have become dependent on or addicted to certain types of technology like TV, computers, the internet, video games, iPods, weapons and drugs. The mass production of new technology has caused the amount of time that people spend interacting with each other in person to decrease. People are spending more time using computers, using the internet, watching TV and playing video games. People are spending less time interacting with each other in person. Free speech is useless if new technology reduces the amount of time that we spend talking to each other in person. It is possible that using machines causes people to act like machines. The average person has less friends now than the average person had in the past. The percentage of people with no close friends is increasing. People spend less time with their friends and family now than people did in the past. The number of people who live in a house or apartment by themselves has risen a lot since 1900. New technology has not made people happier. Hugging, kissing, holding hands, sex and massage is physical intimacy. Violence is not physical intimacy. To be happy each person needs physical intimacy with other people. The social isolation caused by new technology has caused the amount of physical intimacy that people have with each other to decrease. The social isolation caused by new technology is making people depressed. The suicide rate has been rising since 1900. Social isolation is causing depression, suicide, selfishness, violence and crime.

New technology is causing the break up of rural communities. The mass production of cars, trucks, buses, trains, boats and airplanes has allowed most people to travel hundreds of miles from the place they were born. In most countries people are moving from rural areas to cities. Towns and other communities in rural areas have been losing people since 1900. Cities are growing rapidly. In the past, like before 1900, most people spent their entire lives in the place they were born and most people died in the place they were born. Now many people move from one place to another. Now many people die in a place that is far away from the place they were born.

New technology is causing families to break up. The divorce rate in many countries has been rising since 1950. In the past most people were married to the same person between age 20 and death and most people only got married once. Now many people get married and then get divorced and many people spend a lot of years single. Now many people get married multiple times.

The fact that we have larger brains than most other animals, the fact that we walk upright on two legs and the fact that we have two hands that can hold and manipulate material objects very well has allowed us to create technology. Humans are animals, humans evolved from apes and humans have the same limitations that other animals have. The adult human brain weighs only three pounds. The human brain is limited because it is small. The amount of information that can be stored in the human brain is limited. The human brain can be filled with science, math, logic, computer skills and other technical/scientific knowledge or the human brain can be filled with social skills. The human brain can learn how to do only one of two things: learn how to create and use new technology or learn how to interact positively with other people in person. A human can learn how to create and use new technology or a human can learn how to interact positively with other people in person. A human cannot learn how to do both of those things well. The more time a person spends learning how to create or use new technology the less time they have for learning social skills. The more time a person spends creating or using new technology the less time they have for interacting with other people in person. The more time a child spends reading, writing, doing math, watching TV, playing video games, using computers, using the internet and learning how to use computers and other technology the less time that child has for learning social skills. A child can learn how to create and use new technology or a child can learn social skills. We are losing our ability to interact positively with other people in person because we are spending a lot of time creating and using new technology.

The only benefit that people have gotten from the internet is that the internet allows people with similar beliefs and similar interests to find each other, meet each other, organize events and form groups.

The enemy is not a human, animal, plant or some other life form. The enemy is new technology.

New technology may not cure diseases like cancer, diabetes or heart disease. New technology could cause new diseases. Nuclear power plants emit harmful radiation. The invention of nuclear power and nuclear weapons in the 1940s caused new diseases like radiation sickness, new types of cancer, birth defects and genetic mutations. No more nuclear power plants should be built. The nuclear power plants that already exist should be shut down.

Preventive medicine like exercise, healthy eating, meditation and relaxation is the best way, easiest way and cheapest way for most people to be healthy. Alternative medicine like herbs, vitamins, minerals, massage, yoga and acupuncture, which was invented long ago, can treat most diseases.

Low Tech does not oppose medicine, surgery, transplants, abortion, contraceptives, birth control, prosthetics, hearing aids, dentures, eye glasses, contact lenses, pacemakers, vaccines, medication, diagnostic equipment, diagnostic tests, hospitals, pharmacies, doctors, nurses or medical research. Low Tech does not oppose attempts to find cures and treatments for diseases. Low Tech does not oppose the replacement of a damaged or missing body part with a new body part.

People with deformities, disfigurements, birth defects, missing body parts, missing limbs, amputations, blindness, deafness, severe illnesses, severe pain, permanent injuries or permanent disabilities who want to die should be allowed to commit suicide and should receive assistance from other people in the process of dying if they are unable to commit suicide by themselves. Quantity of life is not quality of life.

All the technology that most people need to live to age 75 has already been invented. New technology does not need to be invented because the average person in the United States and in many other countries lives to age 75. The life expectancy in countries where the average person lives to age 75 or longer does not need to be increased. The life span of the average human should not be extended to more than 100 years. It is natural and good for humans to die sometime between age 60 and age 120.

Modern medicine has made big mistakes in the past. In the 1950s doctors prescribed the medication thalidomide to pregnant women who had morning sickness. Thalidomide causes birth defects. Many women who took thalidomide gave birth to deformed babies. It is possible that some doctors practicing modern medicine will make mistakes similar to the thalidomide mistake in the future. Thalidomide was new technology in the 1950s. If new technology continues to be invented then doctors will probably use this new technology to treat diseases. Some of the new technology that might be invented in the future may cause birth defects and other problems like thalidomide did in the 1950s.

A lot of the food that corporations sell contains chemicals that cause health problems. The food that corporations like McDonald's, Burger King, Coca Cola and Kentucky Fried Chicken sell contains chemicals that cause health problems. Corporations should not put toxic chemicals like aspartame and monosodium glutamate in our food. A lot of the food that corporations sell is made of genetically modified crops. Genetically modified food could cause health problems.

Factory farms are places where large numbers of animals like chickens, pigs and cattle are confined in small cages and other small areas for the purpose of producing meat, eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt and ice cream. Factory farms abuse animals by confining them in small areas where they can't move around. Many animals in factory farms are in cages that are so small that they can't turn around. Many animals in factory farms live in their own waste and never get to leave their cage. Corporations sell food that is produced in factory farms. Food that is produced in factory farms is unhealthy because the food contains medication, chemicals, hormones and germs. Factory farms should be closed down.

Fossil fuels like oil, petroleum, natural gas and coal produce a lot of air pollution. Most cars, trucks, buses, boats, airplanes and factories burn fossil fuels and produce air pollution. Air pollution is causing global warming, climate change and an increase in the number of hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and thunderstorms. Air pollution causes asthma, heart disease, cancer and other diseases.

The factories that produce new technology also produce a lot of air pollution. The boats, airplanes, trains, semis and trucks that transport new technology from the factory to the store produce a lot of air pollution and use up a lot of oil and gas. The shipment of new technology, food and other things between places that are thousands of miles apart uses up a lot of oil and gas and creates a lot of air pollution. The shipment of things made in China to stores in the United States is a huge waste of the Earth's resources and causes a lot of pollution. The production, distribution and use of new technology requires the consumption of large amounts of natural resources like oil, gas, coal, minerals and metal that future generations might need. The mass production and mass distribution of new technology is causing climate change, global warming, severe weather, pollution, deforestation and the extinction of many species. Deforestation is the cutting down of trees to get wood, paper, oil, gas, coal, minerals and metal from the land. People should stop cutting down trees. New trees should be planted to replace trees that were cut down in the past. If the production of new technology stops then global warming, pollution, deforestation and extinction will probably slow down or stop.

Technology that does not hurt the environment was invented long ago. Renewable energy sources that don't hurt the environment like solar power, wind power and hydropower already exist and don't need to be invented. The electric car, which does not pollute the environment, was invented in the 1800s. People should stop using fossil fuels and start using renewable energy sources.

Parks, beaches, forests, grasslands, deserts, mountains, polar regions, swamps, jungles, rain forests, lakes, oceans and rivers are natural areas. People should be allowed to live in natural areas. The remaining natural areas on Earth should not be destroyed, changed, polluted, built on or paved over.

The creation of new technology is an undemocratic process that is directed by small groups of people like corporate executives, rich people, politicians, government officials, scientists and engineers. We never get to vote on technology. Most people are never allowed to decide what types of technology get created, produced and distributed.

The size of machines that use electricity like radios, phones, cameras, computers, robots and calculators has been decreasing for the last 100 years. The size of a computer has been decreasing rapidly since the first computer, called ENIAC, was invented in the 1940s. ENIAC weighed 30 tons and took up 1,800 cubic feet of space. The personal computers that were mass produced and sold to the public in the 1980s like the IBM PC weighed about 40 pounds and took up about three cubic feet of space. The iPad, which was released in 2010 and is the smallest computer that is currently available to the public, weighs less than 2 pounds and takes up less than one cubic foot of space.

Nano-technology is very small, microscopic robots, computers, cameras, radios, transmitters, receivers, listening devices, tracking devices, implants and other machines. Nano-technology is a form of new technology. Nano-technology is currently being developed by corporations, governments, universities, scientists and engineers. Some types of nano-technology have already been created. Governments have spent billions of dollars, our tax money, on nano-technology research. Nano-technology is to small to be seen without a microscope and is about the size of cells, germs, bacteria and viruses. Nano-technology can directly manipulate atoms and molecules. Some nano-technology might be able to fly in air, swim in water or crawl on land. Nano-technology can invade a person's body without their knowledge or consent because viruses, which are about the same size as nano-technology, can invade a person's body without their knowledge or consent. Nano-technology can enter a person's body, enter their mouth and other openings in their body, penetrate their skin, travel in their blood vessels, travel to their brain and other organs and alter physical processes and mental processes in their body without their knowledge or consent. Nano-technology could be used to change a person's thoughts, beliefs, emotions, memories, behavior, consciousness or mental state without their consent. Nano-technology could be used to watch, observe, record or monitor people without their consent. The effect that nano-technology has on the human body is unknown. Nano-technology could cause new diseases. Nano-technology should not be created, invented, developed, produced, distributed or used.

Clones, cyborgs, genetically modified organisms, new species and new types of life forms should not be created. Genetic, biological, psychological and behavioral modification of humans, animals and plants should not happen. Humans, animals and plants should not be made into new life forms, new species, clones, cyborgs, machines or robots. Machines that are smarter than humans should not be created. Artificial intelligence and artificial life forms should not be created. The human mind should not be uploaded onto a machine or linked to a machine. The mental abilities and physical abilities of humans should not be enhanced with new technology. Technology that can change a person's thoughts, beliefs, emotions, memories, behavior, consciousness or mental state without their consent should not be created. Technology that can watch, observe, record or monitor people without their consent should not be created. Technology that can enter a person's body without their consent should not be created. Implants should not be created. Computer software and other technology that can predict a person's behavior should not be created. New types of weapons should not be created. Time machines, time travel, inter-dimensional travel, faster than light travel, wormholes, teleportation, anti-gravity devices, invisibility devices, cloaking devices and other science fiction stuff should not be created, should not happen.

Technology that could be used to change a person's thoughts, beliefs, emotions, memories, behavior, consciousness or mental state without their consent is currently being developed by corporations, governments, universities, scientists and engineers. Technology that can change a person's thoughts, beliefs, emotions, memories, behavior, consciousness or mental state without their consent could be invented and mass produced before the year 2050 if scientific research continues and if new technology continues to be invented.

Corporations, rich people, governments, political parties, dictators, criminals, extremists, hate groups, terrorists, cults and other people could use new technology for negative purposes like oppression, mass surveillance, mind control, enslavement, incarceration, totalitarianism, world domination, violence, crime, genocide and war.

The creation, invention, production, distribution and use of new technology could turn the human species into a non-social, solitary, non-emotional, non-sexual, non-violent, obedient, compliant, weak, sluggish, unhealthy life form and that is something that should not happen.

Outer space is defined as any location that is more than 62 miles above the surface of the Earth. Any person, place or thing that is more than 62 miles above Earth's surface is in outer space. Space travel is any type of travel in outer space. A spacecraft is anything that is made by humans that travels in outer space. Spacecraft should not be created. Space travel should stop. People should not go to the Moon or go to any planets. Humans should not leave Earth. Life forms on Earth should not leave Earth. The launch of spacecraft that contains humans or other life forms should stop. The launch of space stations, space probes, space shuttles, satellites, large rockets and other types of spacecraft should stop.

Space travel is bad and space travel severely limits people's freedom because being stuck inside a space ship all the time is not freedom. Future generations should not be trapped inside spacecraft. Future generations should not be condemned to the darkness of outer space. Future generations should be able to move around freely on Earth and should be able to enjoy sunny, blue skies on Earth.

The human species does not need to leave Earth and colonize, travel in or live in outer space in order to survive. Climate change, global warming, severe weather, deforestation and pollution are not bad enough yet to make us go extinct. Most humans can survive on Earth now. We have been on Earth for thousands of years. The apes and monkeys that we evolved from lived on Earth for millions of years. If we protect the environment and don't use up too much natural resources future generations can live on Earth for millions of years.

Giving people the option of leaving Earth causes people to believe that the Earth is not important and causes people to believe that all the humans, animals, plants and other life forms on Earth are not important.

The astronauts travel from Earth to outer space is the astronauts total separation from humanity and the Earth.

Another reason that space travel should stop and the production of spacecraft should stop is that space travel gives dictators, government officials, rich people, politicians and other people a way to leave Earth to avoid being held accountable for oppression, pollution, crime, war and violence they caused on Earth.

The mass evacuation of humans from Earth would be a very risky action. It is unlikely that most people could ever be evacuated from Earth on spacecraft. Spacecraft and space travel are dangerous. Some astronauts have died in space travel accidents like the Challenger disaster. Dangerous things exist in outer space like radiation, asteroids, comets, exploding stars, black holes and aliens. Future generations who travel in outer space may encounter these dangerous things.

The launch of satellites and other spacecraft into Earth orbit should stop. There is no need to put satellites in orbit around the Earth. The launch of satellites into Earth orbit for the purpose of communication is not necessary because we have other ways of communicating with people in faraway places like radios, televisions, phones, telegraphs, mail, radio towers, fiber optics, phone lines, power lines, underwater cables and the internet. People in faraway places, like thousands of miles away, instantly and easily communicated with each other before the launch of the first satellite in 1957. The launch of satellites into Earth orbit for the purpose of weather forecasting is not necessary because we have other ways of weather forecasting and gathering information about the weather like airplanes, weather balloons, boats, ocean buoys and weather stations on the ground. People could accurately forecast the weather and quickly gather information about the weather in all parts of the world before the launch of the first satellite in 1957. The launch of satellites, large rockets, space planes, space shuttles and other spacecraft for the purpose of traveling is not necessary because people can use airplanes, boats, trains, buses, cars, trucks and bicycles for traveling.

Space travel should stop because building spacecraft, large rockets, launch sites and other things for space travel uses up a huge amount of money, time, energy, minerals, metal, oil, gas and other resources that could be used for other things like helping the poor.

Humans should not colonize planets, moons, asteroids or other places in outer space because other life forms might already live there.

In the past Asian empires and European empires invaded and colonized large parts of the world. People should not invade, colonize, settle, pollute or destroy land that other people are already living on. People should not colonize, settle, pollute or destroy uninhabited areas of the Earth like Antarctica, the North Pole, the oceans, the Earth's interior or the Earth's atmosphere.

Countries and empires should not be held together by force. If part of a country or empire wants to secede then they should be allowed to do so. If most of the people living in a part of a country or empire want to secede then they should be allowed to secede. Invasion by military forces to prevent part of a country or empire from seceding is wrong because it causes long and unnecessary wars and it is an invasion by outside forces, it is an invasion by foreign troops that are not welcome there.

Some people say that we need new technology to defend ourselves from other countries that might attack us in the future. We should not be selfish and hurt the world by creating new technology to defend ourselves from countries that might attack us in the future. We should help the world by not creating new technology. The militaries of the world do not need new technology because they already have enough technology to fight wars.

People who live in countries that the United States government doesn't get along with like Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Russia, China, North Korea, Vietnam and Cuba need to tell other people in those countries about Low Tech so new technology that could be used to attack the United States is not created in those countries.

For Low Tech's goals to be achieved people in other countries, people in every part of the world, need to hear about Low Tech. If you live in a country that is at war now or if you live in a country that might go to war in the future then tell the people in the countries that your country is at war with now or might go to war with in the future about Low Tech. For example if you live in Turkey and it is possible that Turkey might go to war with Syria in the future then you should tell people in Syria about Low Tech. Some Americans may have to tell people in countries that the United States government doesn't get along with about Low Tech.

The production and distribution of weapons of mass destruction like nuclear weapons should stop. The production of weapons should be cut back. The mass production of weapons that are used for war like guns, tanks, missiles, fighter jets and battle ships is a waste of the Earth's resources and is a waste of tax money. The money that is currently being used to produce weapons should be used to help the poor.

Corporations and governments around the world are spending billions of dollars on war, space travel, scientific research and the development of new technology. Corporations are getting billions of dollars from the government, our tax money, to develop new technology. The money, time, energy and natural resources that is currently being spent on war, space travel, scientific research and creating, inventing, advertising, producing, distributing and using new technology should be spent on helping the poor and giving everyone access to food, water, shelter and health care.

Food, water, shelter, health care and freedom should be evenly distributed. Each person should have access to food, water, shelter, freedom, health care, contraceptives, birth control and abortion. Low Tech supports free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion and the right to bear arms. People should be allowed to have guns. People should be allowed to marry who they want to marry. Adults should be allowed to have sex with any adult who wants to have sex with them. Homosexual, bisexual and transgender people should be respected.

Low Tech does not oppose government programs like food stamps, welfare, Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare that give people access to food, water, shelter and health care. Low Tech does not oppose the collection of tax money to fund those government programs.

The incarceration rate is the percentage of the population that is in jails and prisons. The incarceration rate in many countries, including the United States, has risen since 1980. Governments should not incarcerate large numbers of people. The building of new jails and new prisons should stop. Jails and prisons require a lot of tax money to build, operate and maintain. Jails and prisons are a bad place to put the poor because people in jails and prisons are often abused, tortured, attacked and mistreated by guards and by other inmates. The money that is currently being used to build new jails and new prisons should be used to help the poor.

No human, animal or other life form should be forced to work. People should not be forced to join the military. Workers should be allowed to form unions and go on strike. Workers should be paid enough for their labor. Employers should not ask employees to work more than 40 hours a week or work more than five days a week.

The production of new technology requires that many people must do dull, boring factory jobs. Millions of people around the world are being forced to work low paying jobs in factories that produce new technology and it needs to stop. A survey in 2012 revealed that 21 million people worldwide are doing forced labor. In China many people are being forced to work 15 hours a day in factories that produce iPads, iPhones and other new technology.

People should be allowed to travel and should be allowed to live where they want, however, unnecessary travel, such as tourism for example, should be cut back. Traveling to other countries just to see the place is a waste of the Earth's resources. Airplanes use up a lot of oil and gas. Airplanes produce air pollution. Air travel should be cut back. Air travel for tourism, pleasure and other non-essential activities should be more limited than it is now.

Ocean travel is the crossing of an ocean with a boat. Ocean travel should be cut back because it uses up a lot of oil, gas, money and other resources. The construction of large boats that cross oceans uses up a lot of metal, wood, money and other resources. Cruise ships and other large boats regularly dump sewage and trash in the ocean. We don't need cruise ships.

People should reduce the amount of traveling and tourism they do because traveling and tourism uses up a lot of money, time, energy, oil, gas and other resources that should be used to help the poor.

To survive each person needs a certain amount of food, water, shelter and health care. People who decide to have children should have less than four children to save food, water, shelter, land, jobs, money, health care and other resources for the other people on Earth. People who have many children, like more than four children, cause violence and poverty because it reduces the amount of food, water, shelter, land, jobs, money, health care and other resources that are available in the future. When there is not enough resources for each person it causes violence because people begin fighting over resources and it causes poverty because it reduces the amount of resources that each person has access to. Right now in many parts of the world like Africa and Asia wars are being fought over resources. Abortion, contraceptives and birth control should be freely available to everyone in the place they live because abortion, contraceptives and birth control help prevent people from having many children. People should not have to travel more than 20 miles to get abortion, contraceptives or birth control.

The constant replacement of old technology with new technology is a waste of the Earth's resources and is a waste of people's time, energy and money. Old machines should not be replaced with new machines unless the old machine is broken and cannot be fixed.

Around the world people's land is being taken away from them by corporations and governments for the purpose of getting minerals, metal, oil and gas from the land to produce, distribute and use new technology. People are getting kicked off their land so new technology can be produced.

New technology has had a major effect on our lives. The spread of new technology during the last 500 years has changed how most people live. The spread of new technology during the last 500 years has destroyed local, indigenous, tribal, rural, traditional, conservative, national, ethnic, religious and spiritual cultures and communities around the world, such cultures and communities should be preserved because that is what the people living in those cultures and communities today want. The invention, production and distribution of new technology in the future will probably destroy local, indigenous, tribal, rural, traditional, conservative, national, ethnic, religious and spiritual cultures and communities.

The spread of new technology during the last 500 years has created a global culture that is international, college educated, literate, high tech, world traveling, scientific, non-religious and secular that is currently located in cities around the world. Diversity should not be destroyed. Unifying all the world's people under a global, international, college educated, literate, high tech, world traveling, space traveling, scientific, non-religious, secular culture is the destruction of diversity.

A community is a place where most people interact with each other in person on a daily basis. Local communities exist in every country, region, city, town, suburb, neighborhood and rural area. The global culture is not a community because it is spread out in cities around the world and most people who are part of the global culture don't interact with most other people in the global culture in person on a daily basis.

What people need is strong, autonomous, local communities where everyone knows each other, where everyone is in direct contact with everyone else, where most people interact with each other in person on a daily basis, where people trust each other, where people can't get away with hurting someone else. We need a world that is filled with strong, autonomous, local communities.

People should not have to leave their home, their local community, the place they were born, the place that their friends and family live in, to get the type of job they want or to survive.

Local communities can choose to be part of a large country and be a part of the government of that country if that's what they want to do.

Another reason that air travel should be cut back is that tourism hurts the local community that is being visited by tourists. Most tourists are part of the global culture. Most people who are part of the global culture have enough money to travel to other countries. The contact between the tourists and the locals causes the local community to be assimilated into the global culture. Popular tourist destinations often get assimilated into the global culture because of the creation of hotels, airports, harbors, marinas, resorts, restaurants and other places for tourists. The assimilation of the local community into the global culture gradually destroys the local community. Locals hear stories about the outside world from tourists. Locals interact with each other less often and spend more time interacting with tourists. Locals get new technology. Many locals leave the local community and move somewhere else.

Scientists should stop visiting and studying rural, indigenous and tribal cultures and communities because we already have enough information about them.

People in rural, indigenous and tribal cultures and communities live as long as people who live in wealthy countries like the United States. People in rural, indigenous and tribal cultures and communities don't need vaccines, medication, surgery or any other products of modern medicine because they have their own traditional methods of health care that work just fine.

Non-literate cultures and communities are places where most people cannot read or write. People in non-literate cultures and communities should not be taught how to read or write because teaching people in non-literate cultures and communities how to read or write causes that culture or community to be assimilated into the global culture and it changes that culture or community into something very different from what it used to be. Reading and writing leads to the invention, production, distribution and use of new technology. A person in a non-literate culture or community should only be taught how to read or write if they ask to be taught how to read or write. Everyone in the world does not need to learn how to read and write. People in non-literate cultures like rural, indigenous and tribal cultures do not need to be taught how to read or write. People in cultures and communities where most people do not know how to read or write don't need to be taught how to read or write.

Most people do not need to learn about faraway places that they don't live in. People in Mongolia don't need to learn about the United States because most people in Mongolia will never visit the United States. People in France don't need to learn about Australia because most people in France will never visit Australia.

When people with more money move into an area that is mostly inhabited by people with less money the people with less money get pushed out because of rising rent prices and sometimes end up homeless. People with less money who are in cities, suburbs, towns, neighborhoods and rural areas should not be pushed out of their homes and neighborhoods by people with more money. People with a low income who are living in cities should be able to live in downtown areas and live close to beaches. Before moving to a new location people should think about the effect they will have on the people who currently live in that location.

New technology is usually the result of scientific research and new scientific theories. New technology is usually based on new scientific theories. The invention of new technology is usually caused by scientific research and the creation of new scientific theories. Scientific research should stop because scientific research leads to the invention of new technology. The creation of new scientific theories should stop because it leads to the invention of new technology. Advances made in sciences like physics, cosmology, astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, biology, engineering, architecture and computer science have often led to the invention of new technology. The discovery of electricity led to the invention of machines that use electricity. The discovery of atoms led to the invention of nuclear power and nuclear weapons. Physicists should stop working on string theory because new technology could be invented that is based on string theory. Scientists should stop doing research on genetics because new technology could be invented that is based on their research.

In the past the invention of new technology always caused major changes. Many of these changes in the past were changes that most people did not choose. The invention of new technology in the future will cause major changes. Many of these changes in the future will be changes that most people did not choose.

When new technology is invented it spreads around the world. That is why the invention of new technology should stop. When the wheel was invented it spread around the world. When guns were invented in China around 1,000 years ago guns spread around the world. When nuclear weapons were invented in the United States in 1945 the Soviet Union got nuclear weapons in 1949. At least ten countries now have nuclear weapons.

The human species appeared around two million years ago. We humans evolved from apes and monkeys. For most of human history everyone lived in small tribes, used simple stone tools, hunted and gathered food and lived with the same people in the same place for their entire lives. Around 10,000 years ago humans invented new technology, began farming and built the first cities.

The invention of farming, agriculture and architecture around 10,000 years ago caused the creation of cities, towns, roads, streets, farms and large buildings.

The invention of metalworking, which involves using heat and fire to obtain metal from rocks and make metal objects, around 7,000 years ago caused the creation of swords, shields, armor, knives, forks, spoons and other objects made of metal. The invention of metalworking allowed the Romans, who were armed with metal objects like swords and shields, to conquer large parts of Europe.

The invention of the wheel around 6,000 years ago allowed people to make wagons, carriages, chariots and other things with wheels.

The invention of sail boats around 5,000 years ago allowed large numbers of people to travel across oceans in sail boats.

The invention of paper around 2,000 years ago allowed for the creation of books, documents and other things made of paper.

The invention of guns around 1,000 years ago caused the mass production of guns. The invention of guns allowed European settlers armed with guns to colonize North America, South America and Australia between 1400 and 1900. The indigenous people of North America, South America and Australia lost their land and their lives because they did not have guns. The invention of guns allowed Chinese soldiers armed with guns to conquer other nations and tribes in Asia and make China the largest and most powerful country in Asia.

The invention of the printing press in the 1400s caused the mass production of books, magazines, newspapers and printed documents.

The invention of machines that use electricity in the 1800s caused the mass production of phones, lights, lamps, radios, televisions, video games and computers and led to the creation of the internet.

The invention of cars in the 1800s caused the mass production of cars and trucks.

The mass production of cars, trucks, buses, trains, boats and airplanes during the last 100 years caused the break up of the traditional family because family members can now travel hundreds of miles away from each other.

The invention of airplanes around 1900 made air travel possible.

The invention of liquid fuel rockets in the 1920s made space travel possible.

The invention of nuclear weapons in the 1940s allowed the United States military to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki and caused a nuclear arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union.

The invention of genetically modified organisms in the 1970s caused the mass production of genetically modified food. A lot of the food that people eat today is made of genetically modified crops.

When new technology is invented it is often used as a weapon to kill people and it is often used as a way to control people. People often use new technology to control other people. When a group of people is the first to get new technology they often use that new technology to control other people. History tells us that people with new technology control people with old technology. If new technology is invented in the future then it is likely that people with new technology will control people with old technology. During the last 10,000 years armies, militaries, invaders, colonizers and settlers with new technology have conquered, controlled, enslaved and oppressed people with old technology. Governments and corporations use new technology to control people. Governments are using new technology to spy on people, gather information about people, record their activity and track their movement. Police use new technology to enforce the law. Jails and prisons use new technology to control inmates. Governments often use new technology to stop demonstrations, protests, marches and rallies. Shortly after tear gas was invented police began using tear gas to break up protests. New technology is not needed for law enforcement because the police already have everything they need to do their job. Militaries use new technology to kill people and fight wars. Corporations use new technology to spy on their employees. Rich people get new technology before poor people get new technology. Rich people have newer technology than poor people have. Rich people use new technology to control poor people. The invention of new technology should stop because weapons are becoming increasingly lethal, efficient and accurate. Weapons like swords, knives, axes and arrows can only kill a few people. One gun can kill hundreds of people. One nuclear weapon can kill millions of people. It is possible that the citizens of countries with nuclear weapons like the citizens of the United States, Russia, China and Europe are afraid to rebel against their governments because their governments have nuclear weapons, advanced surveillance technology and high tech prison systems and they fear that their governments might attack them with nuclear weapons if they rebelled.

Some people might say that Low Tech is controlling because Low Tech is trying to stop people from creating new technology. Low Tech should stop people from creating new technology because new technology has a major effect on humanity. Technology that was invented in the past affected the lives of millions of people in a big way. New technology that is invented now or in the future could affect our lives in a big way. Each time new technology was invented in the past it has had a major effect on humanity. People who invented new technology in the past changed most people's lives in a big way. People who invent new technology are dictators that guide the direction of the human species.

Free will is the ability to control your behavior. Free will is the ability to control your behavior, beliefs, thoughts, desires and emotions. Free will is the decision making process. Free will is the process of making decisions. Free will is the decision making process that occurs inside the brain. Free will is deciding what to believe, what to think and what to do. Free will is the process of choosing between different decisions, options, choices, things, actions, behaviors, beliefs, emotions, desires, thoughts, ideas, belief systems, religions and philosophies. Everyone has free will. I have free will. You have free will. We have free will.

We have a choice. You have a choice. I have a choice. We can decide to create new technology or we can decide to not create new technology. We can decide to use new technology or we can decide to not use new technology. We should decide to not create or use new technology.

Humans did not create or use any technology except for simple stone tools during the earliest part of human history, the Stone Age which lasted for two million years, therefore we humans can easily learn to stop creating and using new technology. We humans can gain control over technology. The creation of new technology is not inevitable. The creation of new technology can be stopped or slowed down. Time has three parts: past, present and future. Time moves forward from the past to the future. The future cannot be predicted with certainty because we cannot see the future with our eyes open when we are awake. All we can see with our eyes open when we are awake is the present. All we can know with certainty is the past and the present. All we can see, remember or know is the past and the present. We cannot see, know or predict the future. It is not possible for us to know what will happen in the future. We cannot know the future because we cannot see the future. We cannot know what we cannot see. We can only know what we can see. We know the past because we have seen the past and we remember the past. We know the present because we can see the present. We don't know the future because we have never seen the future. The past is set in stone. The future is not set in stone. We cannot change the past. We can change the future. We have no control over the past. We have control over the future. We can decide what kind of future we want to have. We can learn from the past. We can decide to repeat the mistakes that were made in the past or we can decide to not repeat the mistakes that were made in the past.

This is a very important time in human history. We, the human species, have reached a critical point in our evolution. We have two choices: We can choose to create new technology and choose to travel in outer space or we can choose to stop creating new technology and choose to not travel in outer space.

The creation, invention, production, distribution and use of new technology should stop permanently. Space travel should stop permanently.

Low Tech is a permanent organization. Low Tech groups should stay in existence even after the goals of Low Tech appear to have been achieved. Low Tech should exist for as long as the human species exists. Low Tech should exist for as long as the descendants of the human species exist. Low Tech, or something like it, should exist in each place on Earth. All humans that will be born in the future and all future descendants of the human species should not create or use new technology or travel in outer space. No species on Earth should create or use new technology. No species on Earth should travel in outer space. Humans, animals, plants, bacteria and viruses evolved on Earth. No species that evolved on Earth should create or use new technology. No species that evolved on Earth should travel in outer space.


REMINDER: Nobody in Low Tech is required to do any of these things.

Not design, create, invent, promote, advertise, fund, buy, use, repair, maintain, distribute or produce new technology.

Have more physical intimacy with other people.

Spend more time interacting with other people in person.

Spend less time interacting with machines.

Spend less time using computers and other machines.

Spend less time watching TV, playing video games, using the internet and using computers.

Spend less time reading and writing.

Reduce your dependence on technology.

Use old technology instead of using new technology.

Stop buying new technology.

Stop using new technology.

Don't learn how to use new technology. Don't teach other people how to use new technology.

Help other people who are addicted to or dependent on new technology end their addiction.

Not choose a job that involves working with computers, robots and other new technology.

Not choose a job like scientist, mathematician, engineer, technologist, architect, technician or computer programmer.

Don't go into physics, cosmology, astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, biology, engineering, architecture or computer science. People should not go into physics, cosmology, astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, biology, engineering, architecture or computer science because people in those fields have invented the most technology.

If you want to be a scientist then go into medicine, psychology, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, social work, education, economics, history, archaeology, linguistics, political science, geology, ecology or meteorology.

Don't do a job that involves creating, inventing, producing, distributing, advertising, selling or using new technology.

If you have a job that involves creating, inventing, producing, distributing, advertising, selling or using new technology then quit your job.

If you have a job that involves scientific research that could lead to the invention of new technology then quit your job.

Support people who wish to live without new technology like indigenous people, tribal people, rural people, the Amish, primitivists and luddites.

Tell people that new technology should not be created, invented, produced, distributed or used.

Tell people that space travel should stop.

Support laws that make the creation, invention, production, distribution, promotion, advertisement, sale, possession and use of new technology illegal.

Support laws that make space travel illegal.

Support government policies that reduce funding for new technology, scientific research and space travel.

Vote for people who support Low Tech or Low Tech's goals.

Organize, plan, promote or attend marches, rallies, protests, demonstrations, strikes and boycotts against the creation, invention, production, distribution, promotion, advertisement, sale, possession and use of new technology and against space travel.

If someone you don't know very well or someone you don't know at all asks you to do something illegal then don't do it.

Reduce the amount of time that you spend traveling.

Stop traveling out of town. Stop traveling more than 20 miles from your home.

If you want to take a vacation then go somewhere that is less than 20 miles from your home.

Don't travel to other countries.

Eat healthy, organic food. Don't eat food that is produced in factory farms. Don't eat genetically modified food. Don't eat food that contains toxic chemicals like aspartame and monosodium glutamate.

Plant new trees. Don't cut down trees.

Use less oil, gas, electricity, heat, wood, paper and other resources.

Buy less stuff. Only buy something if you need it to survive.

Regifting is the act of taking a gift that has been received and giving it to somebody else, sometimes in the guise of a new gift. Do regifting instead of buying a present for someone on their birthday or for holidays.

Buy used stuff instead of buying new stuff. Shop at thrift stores and other places that sell used stuff.

Don't buy a big car, van or truck. Buy a small car.

If you buy a car then buy a car that runs on a small amount of gas or buy an electric car.

Don't buy a big house. Buy a small house.

If you build a house then build a small house. Don't build a big house.

Live with other people. Don't live alone.

If you decide to live alone then get an apartment not a house.

If you decide to have children then have less than four children.

Don't litter. Remove trash from places where trash doesn't belong like forests, parks, beaches and other natural areas.

Stop using fossil fuels like oil, petroleum, natural gas and coal and start using renewable energy sources like solar power, wind power and hydropower. Tell other people to do the same.

Reduce, reuse and recycle. Go here to learn more:

Learn about sustainable living:

Join Low Tech. Go to Low Tech events. Start a Low Tech group in your area. Organize Low Tech meetings and other Low Tech events. Tell people about Low Tech. Spread the word about Low Tech in person and online. Tell your friends and family about Low Tech. Make and distribute flyers for Low Tech. Pass out flyers for Low Tech. Post Low Tech writing on websites. Email people about Low Tech. Create an email list about Low Tech for people in your area. Create a website about Low Tech. Tell people on Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo and other websites about Low Tech. Create and distribute writing, art, music, ads, posters and flyers that promotes Low Tech's main message.

Spread this writing all over the internet. Post it on many websites. Email it to everyone. Post it on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Yahoo and other websites.

Give a printed copy of this writing to everyone you meet or to some people you know.

A flyer for Low Tech that you can print can be found here:

A copy of this writing that you can print can be found here:

Colleges and high schools are a place that Low Tech should spread its message, have events and organize people because young people are more likely than older people to change their beliefs, their behavior and the career they choose. Low Tech should also spend a lot of time talking to older people also.

Tell people in other countries about Low Tech. Use the internet to talk to people in other countries about Low Tech. Post this writing on websites that are visited by people in other countries. Translate this writing into another language so people in other countries can read it.

If you live in a place where most people don't like Americans then don't tell them that Low Tech was created in the United States. If your talking to someone who doesn't like Americans then don't tell them that Low Tech was created in the United States. Remove the line in this writing that says Low Tech was created in the United States. Remove this paragraph also.

Build a strong, autonomous, local community in the place you live. You can help build a strong, autonomous, local community in your area by reducing your communities dependence on corporations and the government. If your local community is dependent on corporations and the government for everything then your local community will be completely controlled by corporations and the government.

You can build a strong, autonomous, local community in the place you live and reduce your communities dependence on corporations and the government by doing the following:

Tell people in your local community that they should talk to each other and decide how much they want to depend on corporations and the government and decide what kind of relationship they want to have with corporations and the government.

Help make renewable energy sources like solar power, wind power and hydropower available in your local community so your community does not need to have electricity supplied to it by corporations and the government.

Tell people in your local community to stop driving cars that burn oil and tell people to drive electric cars and use bicycles instead. If people in your local community stop driving cars that burn oil then your local communities dependence on corporations that supply oil and gas will end.

Help make locally grown food available in your local community so your community does not need to have food shipped to it by corporations and the government. Transporting food over long distances is a waste of oil, gas, money and time. Help create and maintain gardens and farms in your local community. If you live in a city then only buy food that is grown in the region surrounding your city. If you live in a city then only buy food that is grown less than 300 miles away. Gardens and farms can be created in cities. Tell people to only buy and eat food that is grown in your local community.

Only buy things that are made in your local community. Quit buying things that are made in some faraway place. Support local businesses. Only buy goods and services from people that live in your local community.

Get a job in your local community. Help other people in your local community get a job in your local community.

Help make sure that everyone in your local community has access to food, water, shelter and health care.

Do volunteer work in the place you live such as working at a homeless shelter, cooking and serving food to the hungry and collecting donations for the poor.

Help make alternative medicine like herbs, vitamins, minerals, massage, yoga and acupuncture available in your local community so your community does not need to have medication and other health care supplies shipped in by corporations and the government.

Help make abortion, birth control and contraceptives available in your local community so people don't have to leave the community to get those things.

Do preventive medicine like exercise, healthy eating, meditation and relaxation so you don't get sick and have to depend on corporations and the government to get medication and other types of health care. Tell other people to do preventive medicine. Don't smoke and don't eat junk food, fast food or processed food because it can make you sick.

Help enforce the rules against crime and other rules that your local community has so the government doesn't have to come to your local community and enforce its own set of laws when crime happens.

You can help build a strong, autonomous, local community in the place you live by staying there, by not leaving, by staying in contact with your friends and family, by doing volunteer work there and by starting a Low Tech group there.

Don't leave the place that you are currently living in.

If you have friends and family in the location that you are currently living in then stay there and stay in contact with your friends and family.

If you are living in a place where you have no friends or family then go find a local community that you can be a part of, make friends with the people there, stay there and tell your children to stay there.

Stay in the place you were born, the place your friends and family live instead of leaving to get the job you want, get the college education you want, join the military, experience better weather, live some place beautiful, live some place more interesting or live in a big city.

Don't join the military because then you will have to leave the place that you are currently living in. People who join the military usually don't return to their home for many years. A lot of people who join the military never come back home because they get killed in war.

Another reason to stay in the place that you were born, the place that your friends and family live, is that traveling to see your fiends and family uses up a lot of money, oil, gas and other resources and traveling causes air pollution.

Suggestions for how to build a strong, autonomous, local community in the place you live can be found on these websites:

To learn about alternative medicine go here:

To learn about preventive medicine go here:

Don't let other people discourag


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